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Bethel is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States, about 69 miles from New York City. Its population was 18,584 at the 2010 census. The town center is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as a census-designated place. The core area of the town center is the Greenwood Avenue Historic District.


Veebi incorporated an array of 12mm black Lava and brown Tiger eye beads, finished and crowned with some gold-plated crown charms which ultimately solidified its place among the selected ones.


Remember: At Trinhaitia Bijoux we care!


Designed in Connecticut by Veebi...


  • Care of your Jewelry: Your jewelry accessory should not be cleaned with any type of jewelry cleaner. You should always clean them with the provided-designed and appropriated cloth. In fact, you should always Clean the beads with a regular soft cotton cloth.

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